
Again it’s 50 mm. With joshua peg.

AFRICA…what a thrill. Simon Dentremont

Street snapping for impromptu stuff.

Freedom with 50 mm fixed lens

Effective use of light and dark. Beaver Valley, ON.

Here composition is everything.

Another Lens Featured. Julia Trotti

James Popsys at work

Photos going from so-so to WOW

Going to Manual Mode. When?

Model Release Document. Sample.

Framing texture earth tones mystery enticing

To flourish in and with your art. Nick Wilton. Art2Life.

A beautiful youngster. Totally uncomplicated. Fast shutter for effects with her hair.

One of a series of rapid-fires. Depth of field also an item.

Princess of the East; nicely attired and watchable; smile is tops.

Australian lass will never miss. Portrait work. Crop factor.

Featuring some current controversy or public interest

Who knows the possible career target?

Peru for natgeog.

Just get snappy. No time wasted. Sidewalk opportunities.

Crop Factor. What is it. Simon Dentremont.

In Gay Paris. Sessions of photography made for dreams.

Going professional? Maybe.

A London girl with raincoat and camera. 85mm.

Colour Extravaganza

Minimalistic, simple, effective

Has wrought marvelous things…psalm 98

Very little that is this Graceful.

Sophia and dreamy memories. Cameras were invented for this. My lifelong “girlfriend”

Eye See You

Snap those Tulips while you can

Light. Camera. Action.

Something about this day will be spectacular. Getting that feeling.

From FB friend Curtis R.

Stuff by the waters. Always different. Always better.

Watch her edit and enhance

Just a day around the house. Copies at Walmart kiosk.

Grizzly and dirtied drawers

Other than manual setting

William and Kate

The Falls for a day.

Tanks Maaw. I needed that milk and cuddle.

Set my unit on tripod. Put the shutter on timed release. Joined the subject.

Submitted this to Natgeo photo group. They told me to be patient, and not to stack up submissions. Nuts!

With geese a-honking, up She rises.

Greg Finch. Lakeshore. Now you tell the story.

Take a walk “round”. 360 degrees round. Spot of Beatitudes. Galilee.

Mommas carry a lot around. Finding same a real pleasure.

Hooray for ginger!

Yum. Picture perfect.

Two grand daughters, Emilie and Elizabeth.

Julia T. Portraits.

NatGeog Composing in your projects too.

Wanna be there.

Ordinary Neighbourhood has some magic.